Oct 24: Rest day in Cahors

Our second rest day began with a sleep in!

Saturday means market and we walked to find a good sized market with the usual vegetable and fruit stands, boucher and fromagerie trucks, displays of breads, flowers, dried spices and fruit.  This market was a little bigger so it also had a section for household items, mattresses, purses and clothes.

To market, to market, to buy...

We found the bar which served all of the market goers and market sellers and ordered two croissants and two cafés.  It was full of locals, and every few moments one of the market sellers would come in and use the WC. We left soon after the two doors to the bar were opened to accommodate a woman with a walker.  We seemed to be at her spot and we gladly relinquished it.
Croissants at market bars are often the best.

We made up our food plan for the following two days (food is often on our minds): picnic lunch, supper out, breakfast bar coffee, backpacking lunch and supper in the following night's gariotte (to carry in). We walked back to the bread market lady and were deciding on bread when we saw the three rescapés.  We talked about where they had stayed, when each was taking the train home as yesterday had been their last day.  Also about their anticipation and excitement about doing another étape in the summer, from Conques to St Jean Pied de Port.

We bought nut bread and a Jésuite (see pic below!) and off to the grocery to get the remaining items.

I was cold at this point and I wanted to go back to the hotel room and rest which we did. Carrot and couscous salad with an apple and cookies for lunch.

In the afternoon we went to the train station and the bank.  Along the way we found a fun fair and spent a few moments watching the excited kids faces riding traditional rides.

"You spin me right round..."

We walked back into the old town. We went looking for one of the restaurant possibilities.  On the way we got a glimpse of the look-out over Cahors, Mont St Cyr. I decided that my leg was ok and suggested that we climb it (what else does one do on a break from walking ?). We made it to the top but it was really straight up and straight down.
Cahors surrounded by the Lot

Walk back to the room for apéro: wine, crackers and olives.
Cahors wine...what else ?

Supper was two pizzas at Le Lampero which was full of atmosphere.

A dinner sans wine..actually!

Back to the room to finish the wine, eat the Jésuite, watch TV, blog and read magazines.


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